How to Get Recommendations on Nextdoor

We're going to cover how to get recommendations in your Nextdoor account of, we're working on how to get, how to manage our reputation really, and in order to create a reputation for our business specifically our real estate business, we need to get recommendations.


This is a brand new account here that I have set up and this is for my Las Vegas real estate team Laurie Ballentine, and just last week I set up the business page for this company and already had a personal account, this is business, those are two separate emails.

What we want to do is we want to get as many recommendations as we possibly can from our neighbors, what this means is we need to be buying or selling, helping people buy or sell real estate at our neighbor in our neighborhood and get recommendations.

The more recommendations can help expand

Now when we close on a home that's not in our neighborhood, you still want to get recommendations, because what happens is the more recommendations we have in various neighborhoods is actually going to expand our reach to other neighborhoods.

So even though my personal business is only set up, my personal next door is only set up right here where I live in in a neighborhood in Summerlin, this is saying I have two neighbor recommendations so far, and now I can be seen in thirty-eight neighborhoods, not just the ones where I am and that is a total of eleven thousand 72 neighbors that can see my page.

Down here we have this map and on the map, it actually shows us who recommended us and where they are. If we make this a little bit smaller we'll be able to see how these are all the green areas where my business can now be seen.


So although I live up here my business is getting reviews, and other neighborhoods and now it can be seen here. It's going to keep adding other neighborhood as we get more and more as we get more visibility to our recommendations.

What need to do when getting a recommendation

This is very important and what we need to do when we get a recommendation. If we want to reply to that person we're going to respond to them, and here's how we're going to get these recommendations. There are several ways.

  • By email

  • Copy the link and send out

  • By Twitter

By mail getting a recommendation of Nextdoor

The first one is by email, and if we click to email here what we're able to see is a preset email message, and it says 'hello, Laurie Ballentine, Las Vegas is now on next-door, the private social network for neighborhoods. Would you recommend us to your neighbors.

And help get the word out? Recommend us here now, nowhere, does this say they have to be a past client? We're just asking the neighbors to recommend us if they would do business with us. Thanks for being a Laurie Ballentine customer, we appreciate the support you provide to our local business.

What we've done in our business is we actually use Infusionsoft for real estate, which we have built out and we have a review campaign in there, where we ask for reviews on our Google business page, Facebook business page, that type of thing and like a lot of you out there do with Zillow or whatever network that you're working to gain exposure on well now.

Next door is one that you can put on the front focus, and so we actually just sent an email out to our past clients and asked them to click the link and send us a review. Now you do have to keep in mind that next door is a growing social network, so not everybody is on there and so we like to give them our favorites.

We ask them to review us on Facebook on Google and now on next-door. Those are for us our primary sources and so that's quite simple, that's one way to do it.


Copy the link and send out

Another way to get recommendations to let me open my page back up here is to copy this link, and just now if you saw that here's my mouse, I clicked copy link and it copied it, and so now I can send out that message by text which our Infusionsoft system also does by text, or I can manually send a text to somebody, or I could share that link through any social channel that I like, or include that in a different kind of custom email.

Here we have the share capability, so if I click Share it automatically going to open and it's going to say to neighbors recommended Laurie Ballentine, my next-door can't edit that, not too fancy, so for me I prefer to copy the link and create my own post, and I would do something like this, I would go over to Facebook and I would go to my business page for my real estate team, and there we go click on business manager for my post.

I'm going to say 'are you next door? It's a rapidly growing social network for neighborhoods, kind of like an online neighborhood. Watch Laurie Ballentine real estate is now on next door if we would appreciate recommendations those that love our brand and services, and I'm gonna put the link now.' What I like about these doing it on the business page is I can actually change that image and the description, here's the link and I'm just going to take that out and publish. That's another way to do it.

By Twitter getting a recommendation of Nextdoor

Also, we have Twitter, and you can log in and then we can change, says 'we're on next door recommend Laurie Ballentine Las Vegas, and help us spread the word I like that one much better, add my hashtags, and I'm going to tweet that out.

There are several ways that you can work to get these recommendations, and the more recommendations you get the more organic reach is going to have, which is going to help in your marketing efforts.

Other web page resource

How to recommend a business - Nextdoor:

Recommendations FAQ - Nextdoor: