Claim Your Business Page on NextDoor

We offer digital marketing services and we specialize in social media marketing management, today I wanted to talk to you about If you're not already signed up I really encourage you to get an account, especially if you have a local based business. People are talking about your business already if you don't know it on


Nextdoor is a network for your own neighborhood is a private social network for your own neighborhood and neighborhoods surrounding your area. For example, the neighborhood I'm in, we have about 3500 people that are connected to me via in my surrounding area, and that's a lot of people, and I've recommended a lot of businesses on net

The other thing I want you to know about is that you can clean your business page, you can get reviews, and that's just about it right now. But in the future, there's going to be advertising, so it would be really a great idea.

If you went ahead and signed up for get involved, so you understand the platform in your neighborhood, and then clean your business page as well.


Ask you to create your neighborhood

This is the page where you can look for your neighborhood and sign in, find your neighborhood, you may have to start your neighborhood. That's one of the things that will invite you to do. If your neighborhood does not already have a listserv going it will ask you to create your neighborhood.

And invite people to join. That's something you may think about, but it's absolutely a fantastic tool for getting recommendations, giving away free goodies that you have selling something, and so that's why I wanted to share it with you.

The other reason why I wanted to share it with you, for example, is last night I was on, I got a notification that somebody was looking for a home stager, and I know a great home stager in the area. So I went on there immediately and I went to recommend her.

And I saw that she had already been recommended twice, but her business page has not been cleaned, so it can't pad her and notify her of this, and she doesn't have any reviews yet. That is really what prompted me to do this post today to help you get set up on next door.


How to create your business page

Let's go ahead and start the process.  If you want to go to and you're going to find right here, find and clean your business page. My business page it looks like no neighbors have recommended Amanda Brasil marketing. Create your business page here is what you're going to need to do. Create a business account to manage your page, fill in that information, and fill in this information, and then the service category.

You've got to pick a service category that you're in, let's see if they have anything related to what I do, as you can see all the different kinds of businesses that you can choose from, you scroll, let's type in marketing tape and social media marketing, I doubt Yahoo will add this category, there we go.

We're going to add the category, and then I'm going to add my address, and it should pop up for you. If it doesn't just add it in and click continue, confirm, this is your business, you can continue to verify that you're the owner or has given the right to manage the marketing page, continue, and then it's just going to prompt you through, it's not very complicated. I'm not going to go through all of it with you, cuz I'll bore you to death if I do.

Get recommendations and then you can be seen by others

But you're going to need to add your photo, give a warm welcome to visiting your neighbors. I'll just go ahead and do it, why not? That way you just get a feel for what this is all about. Actually, my photo is over here, they've got that done and I'm just going to read a general message.


Because I can go back and change this later. Congratulations! I plan my business page, now this is what it looks like. I have zero recommendations, my page can be seen in zero neighborhoods right now, and I have zero neighbors that can see my page, you cannot be seen in any neighbors, get recommendations to reach neighbors.

So that what you want to do is get recommendations and then you can be seen by other businesses by other people. You need to get your recommendations by building your education tag into more neighborhoods to access quality leads, so you need to email people, copy this link, share it on Facebook, share it on Twitter, and get people to recommend your business.

This is basically Network smarty, and how you want to clean your business page. I definitely highly recommend that you do this, especially if you're a local based business this is a great way to get reviews and get recommended.


And like I said there's going to be a time when you can run the ad, paid ad on this platform. You can keep out keep your eye on the ball and keep out keep watching for when you can do that. I hope this was helpful.

Other web page resource

How to join Nextdoor as a business: How-to-claim-your-business-page