Using Nextdoor App Could Lead Criminals Right to You

There is one point that we have to know is how to protect yourself with neighborhoods, fighting crime. It looks to be a story about child predators. Using "next door" neighbors communicate with people next door and police, warning about a suspect or something as getting the word out about a neighborhood.

Let them know that "next door" is like facebook, but for neighborhoods, police use it to send messages for specific locations. So instead of alarming a suspect vehicle, we can send it to that neighborhood. If you don't fix your privacy settings, strangers can see where you live, how long you ever lived there, even how many children you have. It's great to communicate with your neighbors, there is a garage sale coming up, we heard there is a rash of break-ins, but don't put detailed personal information out there.

Here's how you can fix your privacy settings. You need to change your address to just the road you live on, then make sure your neighbors can see your information, not the neighbors in your neighborhood, that gives your information to too many other people. This way you can use this to protect yourself.